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Daniel Matthews' Issue Positions (Political Courage Test)


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Daniel Matthews has provided voters with clear stances on key issues by responding to the 2022 Political Courage Test.

What is the Political Courage Test?

Washington Congressional Election 2022 Political Courage Test

Pro-life Do you generally support pro-choice or pro-life legislation?
I support the PRO-LIFE position that LIFE MATTERS! We may not ever free ourselves of the ABORTION Option! My Objective INSTEAD will be: A BALANCING RESPONSE - to FULLY promote the ADOPTION OPTION so that we truly provide an alternative to the DEATH OPTION of Abortion! We must extend ourselves with TOTAL compassion and LOVE: finding Adoptive couples who will take the baby, after birth, giving it life, love, and a family. I call on the FAITH Community to be the FRONTLINE facilitator of this LIFE CHOICE: providing a COST-FREE path for everyone in CHOOSING LIFE through "OPERATION SPECIAL DELIVERY"!
Yes Do you support expanding federal funding to support social safety net programs such as Social Security and Medicare?
However, lawmakers should allow future generations to continue individual health insurance and retirement savings they had during their working life in retirement, allowing people to OPT OUT of Government Programs. As the younger generation saves, their health insurance and retirement nest eggs could build until they need them in their later years. Lawmakers should revive the private market for the elderly by allowing people to leave Medicare and Social Security voluntarily and buy tax-favored health savings account and low-cost health plans and protected retirement savings plans. Low-income seniors could use subsidized premium support empowering them to make their own choices.
Yes Do you support the regulation of indirect campaign contributions from corporations,unions, and individuals?
I support the First Amendment and its Free Speech provisions that protect campaign contributions. But I believe FULL DISCLOSURE of the sources and amounts of all political contributions helps to thwart illegal contributions - such as from foreign entities. Citizens have a right to know who is influencing their elected representatives and to what extent. Self-dealing and Conflicts of Interest, or just plain Bribery, and corrupt practices should always be deterred. Unions should be required to provide their individual members with an accounting of funds directed politically and allow them to OPT OUT, without penalty. Full Disclosure is always desirable.
Yes Do you support the protection of government officials, including law enforcement officers, from personal liability in civil lawsuits concerning alleged misconduct?
I support "Qualified Immunity" - granting government officials performing discretionary (optional) functions immunity from civil suits, unless the plaintiff shows the official violated "clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have known". It is a form of sovereign immunity less strict than absolute immunity intended to protect officials who "make reasonable but mistaken judgments about legal questions", extending to "all [officials] but the plainly incompetent or those who knowingly violate the law". Qualified Immunity applies only to government officials in civil litigation. It does not protect the government itself from suits over officials' actions.
Yes Do you support increasing defense spending?
As a Veteran, I know AMERICA'S interests are at the forefront of all foreign policy decisions. Our military is the extension of our national power: the deterrent to any aggression threatening our people and country. Organized in the Department of Defense, we assert that our military exists to defend our country against all foes and threats, and to secure the peace we seek. In today's world, with instability and turmoil on nearly every continent, it is necessary and vital that we are fully prepared to protect and defend our interests, efficiently and effectively dedicating the necessary resources to that end.
No Do you support federal spending as a means of promoting economic growth?
No Do you support providing financial relief to businesses AND/OR corporations negatively impacted by the state of national emergency for COVID-19?
Yes Do you support the federal government taking action, beyond those of the Federal Reserve, to alleviate inflation?
The Federal Reserve is Reactive; Federal Government must CUT SPENDING. Government Spending is not the Solution: it's The Problem. Most Critically: Cut Spending to Reduce National Debt; PROVIDE INCENTIVES CUT THE BUREAUCRACY by phased reductions in all agencies, all levels. Reduce Regulations and government intrusion in the Economy. REDUCE TAXES: The best stimulus for economic growth, including for Business, has proven to be Reducing Taxes. Streamline the taxing process: Changes the Tax Code to Reduce Taxes; Simplify, Streamline; address loopholes. The complexity of the Tax Code allows inequities and waste. Examine a Graduated, flat-rate tax structure, Modifying Senator Cruz's proposal.
No Do you support the forgiveness of federal student loan debt?
This is a recipe for division and is inherently unfair: To those who did not choose college; To those who paid their funds for college costs; To those who paid off their college loans. Every person is responsible for their own debts and obligations! Government must not come to the rescue. JFK admonished, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country!" A program of service to America (community, military, education, health care, etc.) could be used to help an individual receive credit for tuition, but the taxpayer doesn't own this bill.
Yes Do you support requiring a government-issued identification in order to vote at the polls?
The right to vote is sacred: all Americans deserve free and fair elections, that everyone has complete confidence in. A system we all trust and believe in seems inherently obvious. It must always be easy for every legal citizen to Vote, and nearly impossible for anyone to cheat. We must make it impossible to commit any act of fraudulent voting, let alone widespread voter fraud. The most obvious answer is Universal Voter-ID, which over 70% of all Americans support, and completely transparent post-election vote tallying. In-person voting with paper ballots is probably the most secure voting procedure (Canada's system).
No Do you support government funding for the development of renewable energy (e.g. solar, wind, geo-thermal)?
Yes Do you support the federal regulation of greenhouse gas emissions?
The Biden administration unnecessarily restricts our country's energy self-reliance by bowing to extremists of his Party who think wind, geothermal, solar are the only answer, ignoring Nuclear, HydroElectric. The best development for renewable energy will come from the private sector, with profit motivations often driving them. Elon Musk has proven this in several areas. Government needs to be part of the solution by getting out of the way, allowing Capitalism to work. Tax Incentives are acceptable; direct funding should be avoided. The regulation of greenhouse gas emissions is currently helpful in maintaining a clean environment. Excessive regulation is usually counterproductive.
No Do you generally support gun-control legislation?
All law-abiding gun owners deserve the protection of the Second Amendment, which is specific: "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." The Supreme Court held that self-defense is the "central component" of the Amendment. Current Federal Law provides more than sufficient gun-control. These laws must be strictly enforced to be effective: Commit a crime with a weapon and you will pay dearly! I support Universal Background Checks, the Castle Doctrine, and Universal Conceal-and-Carry authority - to be accepted in every state.
No Do you support a government-run (single-payer) healthcare program, such as Medicare-for-All?
No Do you support expanding paid family AND/OR medical leave opportunities?
Yes Do you support lowering the cost of prescription drugs?
Government is never the most efficient, or preferable answer to solving problems. Imposing a single-payer, socialized health care system is not the answer to reducing costs and improving healthcare. Best example of this is the VA: Government-run Healthcare is a mess. Why would we propose to impose such a dysfunctional system on society? Greater choice, competition, affordability in the private market has given us the best healthcare system in the world. Like all other economic activities, the Free Market offers the best solution to provide the greatest access to healthcare and control costs. Prescription Drugs and Big Pharma need CONTROLS!
Yes Do you support increasing security along the southern US border?
No Do you support requiring immigrants who are unlawfully present to return to their country of origin before they are eligible for citizenship?
Big, Secure Fences - Big, Secure Gates - with a Secure and Safe Immigration System. "The Rule of Law" Governs us: Enter only by the Front Door, By our Rules; Get in Line. Anything else insults those who have entered legally, by the normal/lawful means. We welcome all who enter lawfully and honorably - an HONOR SYSTEM that has stood the test of time. One prudent step/goal: Assuring that criminal and undesirable elements are screened/prevented from entry. We must fully screen those already here - then RESET to totally secure borders thereafter. No citizenship / limited rights until screened.
Yes Do you support economic intervention as a means of resolving international conflicts?
No Do you support the U.S. providing increased offensive military aid to Ukraine?
National security is the ability of a country's government to protect its citizens, economy, and other institutions. Some non-military levels of national security include economic security, political security, energy security, homeland security, cybersecurity, personal security, border security, and environmental security. Economic Intervention through Sanctions and other measures, to resolve conflicts, should be a first resort after diplomatic measures are exhausted. For example, The United States should Impose STRICT Economic Sanctions on ANY country harboring, protecting, assisting, aiding, or abetting terrorists. I Do not support increasing offensive military aid to any country without a clear and present danger to the U.S.
No Do you support raising taxes, on any income or on any entity, to promote economic growth?
Cut Spending to Reduce National Debt - PROVIDE INCENTIVES Single cause of Inflation - per Dr. Milton Friedman IS excessive government spending (includes printing money). Like every household - Government must live within its means, pay off its debts, scale back spending. $31 Trillion National Debt will cripple the economy and future generations if not dealt with soon! REDUCE TAXES - Changes Tax Code to Reduce Taxes. Simplify, streamline; address loopholes. Examine a graduated, flat-rate tax structure - Modifying Senator Cruz's proposal The complexity of the Tax Code allows inequities and waste. CUT THE BUREAUCRACY and streamline the Taxing process.
Yes Do you generally support removing barriers to international trade (for example: tariffs, quotas, etc.)?
The United States should once again offer world leadership in strength, free markets, economic stability, and justice for all the world to witness and benefit from. Trade barriers should be limited, and open markets will spur economic and political cooperation between nations. No nation should take advantage of another. We should always exemplify moral, political, social, economic strength, and virtue in our national and international affairs. Our goal should be to see all nations prosper and benefit. And we must be willing, only when necessary, to exert judicious persuasion though economic measures (such as sanctions or tariffs) on any adversary.
The divisions in our society must be healed. I offer myself "for such a time as this." I seek "Climate Change" - in our political discourse and direction, restoring civility, integrity, statesmanship over constant polarization and partisanship. I will never resort to political lies or extremism, but advance Truth, Balance, Vision, Respect, Understanding through Leadership! Even in difficult issues we can come together and find the best answer by seeking common ground and a positive, humane perspective resulting in a just outcome. This will require statesmanship, respect, candor, cooperation, and grace. This is the America we desire for our children!

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